Thursday, April 8, 2010

The Name Game

Fun fact: the mister is going to be changing his last name prior to the wedding. No, he's not taking my name but taking his step-father's name.

His biological father has never really been in his Life, he left the family when Pat was just over a year old and was never really interested in seeing his kids much after that. Understandably, Pat really doesn't want our kids to have his deadbeat dad's name. So it's been decided that he would take the name of the man who has acted as his father for the past 21-22 years and all parties involved are excited for this big change! But how to go about it?

We first started looking into it about 3 years ago but when we were greeted with the thousand dollar price tag for all of the legal fees we decided to wait it out a bit. I mean, what's another couple of years with a name you have no attachment to? Well, it turns about it's about an added eight hundred dollars to the original quotes price. Doh!

With the wedding just over 5 months away it's time to take care of this, let's not make my name change any more difficult then it needs to be.

So how to go about this and do it right? Well, hire a professional of course! So we have begun the process of changing his name and it's going to be interesting. The attorney we are working with expects that we'll be able to have it completed by the big day, which is a huge relief.

So far she has written out the petition that she will submit as soon as he goes and gets his fingers printed at the local police station.

I'll keep ya posted as we go through this process. Here's hoping it's a quick one! :)


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