Thursday, July 2, 2009

We're not so great at this...

So things have been really slow on the wedding front these days. It's not that we don't want to go look at venues and FINALLY start making some decisions, it's just that we have been so busy with our day to day lives that finding the perfect place for the wedding has been put on the back burner.

June is always a busy month for us because it's Pat's birthday is on the 23rd and his family's reunion weekend is around the same date. Yea, it's all close together but we have to prepare for that weekend! Hahaha! And then this year I added another weekend of being busy because I planned a surprise birthday party for him for the weekend after his birthday. It went smoothly and he was in fact surprised! Go me! :)

We need to stop putting it off and really buckle down and find the place that is going to work for us. A couple places on the agenda for this month; Tyler Arboretum, Independence Seaport Museum and The Willows, which doesn't have a website. I just want for us to find the venue for our wedding so that I can feel like we have actually accomplished something as far as the wedding is concerned. Here's hoping that one of these places proves to be that place!

Wish us luck!

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